Marti logo Aug 2023

The Most Effective, Empowering 'Technology' for
Manifesting Your Thriving and Uplifting Our World –
Your ‘Precision Consciousness’

You already ‘own’ it. . .
It’s easy to ‘bring online’. . .
Find out ‘how’ inside. . .

The Foundations of Precision Consciousness

Revelations on the life-positive power indigenous wisdom offers our world
An Audio Program with Marti Spiegelman

Inside the Foundations of Precision Consciousness

In this Bonus PDF, Marti sets the stage for your journey through the program. The key themes and challenges she highlights will be critical to understanding the foundations of your Precision Consciousness!

Marti redefines the concept of technology and discusses the differences between the nature of the Western mind and the indigenous mind. Within these distinctions lie some startling truths about how we see the world.

Are humans logical and linear? Or are we incredibly magical when it comes to what we can create? Marti discusses the limitless nature of consciousness and our capacity to evolve, and what it takes to put these gifts to precise conscious use.

In this segment we learn about 2 types of awareness and intelligence that are common to all humans. We also learn how they are designed to work together with great precision, and what happens when they don’t.

Marti expands the discussion of precision consciousness, how it works in nature, and how it evolves. She also presents us with a major challenge all modern people face – that our wellbeing is dependent on our willingness to re-connect to nature.

In this segment we discover that the technologies of consciousness are driven by action, and that consciousness is based in precise dynamics, not subjective ideas or thoughts.

Marti describes the precision that human consciousness once exhibited and begins to introduce us to the core principles that will bring that precision to life again. .

Marti shares timeless indigenous practices for developing the full magic of your sensing intelligence and offers a scientist’s understanding of their power.

Marti continues to reveal the powerful principles that organize the capacities of our precision consciousness. In this segment the focus is on the principles that bring us together, whether we are the same or different.

Marti offers more great exercises to further develop your sensing intelligence while increasing your IQ and igniting your innate creativity.

In this powerful discussion Marti challenges us with reflections on our current ways of doing business and creating community. Then she shows us the power of 2 more principles of precision consciousness.

Marti offers a review of the 5 core principles of consciousness, how they work together, and how they create pathways for precision problem-solving and collective success, whether for your business, family, or community.


'Consciousness is not an idea, an instruction, or a strategy —
it is a fully interconnected, interactive, creative state of being
that is achieved through the mastery of awareness
at the collective level.'

–Marti Spiegelman


When you purchase Foundations of Precision Consciousness you'll also receive a free PDF
of Marti's article, 10 Big Ideas on Becoming Fully Conscious.

Praise for Precision Consciousness

I realise that the ability for connection is within myself, and the flow, the happiness, and freedom I feel are the result of that connection. My life, my work, and even my idea of work are much more expansive – this is living life in the universe.
– Greg Bernarda, Business Advisor, Switzerland

I really have started to see the world in an entirely different way, and I know I’m fully participating in life now – this is an incredible shift.
– Todd Hoskins, Business Advisor, US

The collective is much more real and alive for me, as is the sense of ‘coming home’. I don’t feel a weird outlier anymore; I feel a sense of belonging to something bigger, timeless, and exhilarating. I feel completed, grounded, and empowered.

 At a practical level, I don’t make decisions the way I used to – I’m much more in the moment and rely on the tools of Precision Consciousness to understand what’s required, in real-time. That’s absolutely liberating!
– Josie Gibson, Director, The Catalyst Network, Australia

In a world where the cult of the individual can isolate us and rob us of deeper meaning, the Precision Consciousness Training is the best antidote I know. Learning to re-integrate ourselves into the fabric of life and vitality is a kind of salvation. It is exactly what we need.
– Pia Kealey, Professional Author, US

When you purchase Foundations of Precision Consciousness you'll also receive a free PDF
of Marti's article, 10 Big Ideas on Becoming Fully Conscious.

Marti speaks about the experience of consciousness . . .